Monday, September 29, 2008

Ya, Matt, I found it a challenge. But a superhuman will clearly win
most battles.

That makes sense. hahaha.

An all-out war.....
Hmm. I don't know. That is like asking if you were to clone everyone on the planet, allow them to fully grow, and have us fight all out against our clones. I don't think it would be possible to determine.
And then take into account their power. I don't think any human would be left to see who won.
It just wouldn't be worth it.
I'm curious as to your opinion though.

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I must say, Taylor, I was surprised at your answer. I admire your ability to look at the situation impartially.

Now, to answer your question...
There are two possibilities when considering the suicide hotline.
a) More of the people who were already planning to commit suicide are calling


b) More people are planning to commit suicide in the first place.

So which is a good thing and which is bad? I'll let you answer that question.

Keeping with my superhero-oriented questions, I'll ask you: in an all-out brawl between the DC universe and the Marvel universe, which side would prevail?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cross-Universe Battle?

Well, Matt.
You have two differing characters from two entirely different universes.
Resulting in many issues.
But ignoring that issue, let's look into it.

Assuming, this is an equal fight, with no preset advantages.
1. Spiderman has the spider sense. Giving him precognitive knowledge of impending attack. This disables one of Batman's most important advantages, surprise.
2. Batman is suicidal it seems. He will give his life to defeat his nemisis, and has a near homicidal rage when attacking.
3. Spiderman is calm and collected when fighting. He always throws off-handed remarks and puns to enrage his enemies. Frustrating Bruce Wayne's temper even more.
4. Spiderman has super human strength. Batman is still human. Resulting in nasty wounds for my beloved Bruce Wayne
5. Both characters are adament about not taking life, so any fight would have to just to be to knock the other unconscious.

So while it kills me to say this, Spiderman just has super powers and a super advantage over Batman.
I feel compelled to credit him with a win.

Is it a good thing if more people call the suicide hotline?
(Rude, I know. But funny to think about.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Of course

I completely agree with you concerning your opinion on the VP issue.

And the answer is (I'm sorry I don't have a wise-crack answer for this one): The stores want you to buy more stuff. They know that you'll want to buy an equal number of each; therefore you have to buy more of each to make that happen. There is a point, however, where the normal human being gives up and forgets it.

Anyway, Batman vs. Spider-man. Who would win?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It's obvious.

Robert Childs. Come on Matt.

Packages of hot dogs come in tens, packages of buns come in eight.

Just to let it be known. Major newspapers are saying that the vp choice makes little difference.
I now plan on voting this election because of Palin. I was planning on voting if it was to be Romney, but that didn't happen.

I am voting. And it IS because of vp choice. Suck on that, Associated Press.

Sorry to post politics on this blog. But it's more of a frustration with news media, than anything else.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Relatively simple answer for that one too, Taylor. Bread tastes better square and meat tastes better round. Gotta come up with something better than that.

Who would win: Jack Bauer vs. James Bond vs. Jason Bourne ?