Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cross-Universe Battle?

Well, Matt.
You have two differing characters from two entirely different universes.
Resulting in many issues.
But ignoring that issue, let's look into it.

Assuming, this is an equal fight, with no preset advantages.
1. Spiderman has the spider sense. Giving him precognitive knowledge of impending attack. This disables one of Batman's most important advantages, surprise.
2. Batman is suicidal it seems. He will give his life to defeat his nemisis, and has a near homicidal rage when attacking.
3. Spiderman is calm and collected when fighting. He always throws off-handed remarks and puns to enrage his enemies. Frustrating Bruce Wayne's temper even more.
4. Spiderman has super human strength. Batman is still human. Resulting in nasty wounds for my beloved Bruce Wayne
5. Both characters are adament about not taking life, so any fight would have to just to be to knock the other unconscious.

So while it kills me to say this, Spiderman just has super powers and a super advantage over Batman.
I feel compelled to credit him with a win.

Is it a good thing if more people call the suicide hotline?
(Rude, I know. But funny to think about.)

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